
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Chinese Friends Had Nothing To Offer.

The Kenya Defence Forces has reported that more hostages have been rescued and the siege may come to halt as Kenya’s traditional alies the WEST led by Israel Special Forces and USA’s marines STORMED the mall and rescued majority of the hostages by midnight on Sunday.
The Israel special forces provided the necessary  technology,logistical  and on location support that was very crucial for the success so far.
Kenya’s new found Chinese allies had nothing to offer putting to doubt president Uhuru’s confidence in side-lining the West in a global arena.The terror attack has so far claimed  almost 70 lives,foreign nationals and President Kenyatta’s nephew are among the dead, a sad weekend for the nation and the world.The Kenyan Defence Force tweets that it has rescued “most” of the hostages and taken control of the majority of the shopping centre. Four soldiers have been injured and taken to hospital, it says.

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