
Monday, October 14, 2013

Minister blames rape on indecent dressing Updated Sunday, October 13th 2013 at 2

Did you know that indecent dressing is ‘an open invite to rapists’, at least according to Ugandan Youth Affairs Minister Ronald Kibule, who is also Mukono North MP?

He was addressing youth in Ntungamo District and perhaps did not appreciate the dress code of the females in the crowd.
During his speech, he said; “I have talked to the Inspector General of Police and the police in Kampala to see that if a woman is raped, they first look at how she was dressed! Most women currently dress poorly, especially the youth. If she is dressed scantily and got raped, no one should be arrested!”
I just wondered whether he knows that rape is against the law? This is not the Idi Amin era where government has prescribed a specific skirt length.
The State Minister for Primary Health Care Sarah Opendi, has also been smoking from the same pipe as Kibule. During a breakfast meeting organised by the Ministry of Health to address maternal mortality, she said government is in preparations to avail contraception to girls aged between 14–18 years at convenient places within their schools, hospitals, where they will get condoms, pills and counseling.
She says girls in this age bracket get pregnant and try to procure backstreet abortions, and this measure will ensure their education is not curtailed. Is she aware that the Child Protection Act states that anyone who engages in sex with a minor shall be guilty of defilement and is liable to get a death sentence?
Our leadership appears to be more concerned with personal accumulation of wealth as the leaders of tomorrow go to the dogs!
First they did away with caning in schools, now they want to give our children pills and condoms. I believe if government prosecuted all defilers — male and female —it would reduce the teenage pregnancy rates by at least 50 per cent. Government should go a step further and arrest parents of wayward children and give both the parent and child community sentences like cleaning up the neighbourhood.
It would bond parent and child, and also ensure parents perform their role of nurturing their offspring, thus bringing up a better crop of future leaders, to avoid immediate and future embarrassRecently, a HIV positive man pleaded guilty of defilement and therefore, only got 150 days in prison, because the 16-year-old victim had willingly followed him to his home!
Young lass
What law was applied? Didn’t the judge understand that she is a minor and knew no better? Perhaps the young lass were dressed in tights or a mini skirt and a crop top, and thus were judged to be of loose morals. Little wonder then that teachers are having a field day with all the fresh guileless pretty young things. And it seems, it’s their mothers who dress them in the latest fashions, but do not instill a sense of decorum and restraint before releasing them into the big bad world.
The police are no better. They are trying to close down saunas because they are chief cause of increased HIV prevalence as they encourage infidelity.
Apparently when two strangers of opposite genders share a hot enclosed space while only clad in a bath sheet, temptations overtake them and an assignation must be engineered. And again, that if a person is not happy in a relationship, they always seek fulfillment elsewhere doesn’t make it any better.

14/10/2013 Share Man Punishes His Wife by Ordering Nephew to R*pe He

A woman was betrayed by her husband in the worst possible way.Not only did he have s*x with his wife against her will, he also told his nephew to r*pe her. The 24-years-old husband of Rushinga, Zimbabwe, invited his nephew to his house for dinner. The young woman cooked dinner for her husband, her nephew and for herself.
After spending time together, the husband told his wife that it was too late for their nephew, 22, who lives in Bulawayo, to go home. The husband then offered the nephew to stay at their house and sleep in the couple's room. It is alleged that the three slept in the same room when the husband began to demand s*x from his wife. She refused to have s*x with him, saying it was inappropriate to have s*x in full view of their nephew.
The husband became angry for being rejected and began raping his wife in the presence of his nephew. The woman tried to leave the room, but her husband held her back. He then ordered his nephew to have s*x with her while he held his wife’s legs. The next day, the woman told her aunt about the incident, and was advised to report the incident to the police.
The police report indicates that the husband and nephew spent the night taking turns raping the woman. Mashonaland Police spokesperson Petros Masikati confirmed the incident, saying that investigations were ongoing. Police said the two men were on the run and were still at large. Police have launched a manhunt to locate them.
Masikati appealed to members of the public that whoever knows the whereabouts of the men to report to their nearest police station

Barracuda Brigade: Sarah Palin Schools Obama ~> Addresses Protesters ...

Barracuda Brigade: Sarah Palin Schools Obama ~> Addresses Protesters ...: October 13th, 2013 - Washington D.C. - Governor Sarah Palin addresses the large crowd at Sunday mornings protest for the WWI...

Busted’ ward rep to refund dowry ohh nyeri nyeri

There was drama recently at Ngangarithi Estate in the outskirts of Nyeri town after a ward representative was caught in an intimate position with a policewoman in her matrimonial bed
The arrogant ward rep, best known for his I-don’t-care-attitude had been romping with the woman for several months. The husband to the police woman had his suspicions and decided to lay a trap with the help of neighbours.
They tipped the man when they saw the ward rep entering the house. The husband returned home unexpectedly and caught the two in the act.
The politician asked for a silent resolution, but the husband refused and instead demanded a refund of his dowry. He said he was no longer interested in the woman.

The kenya one tribe which will never let goat sleep what a shame nyeri mens in cental province kenya lol

A 23-year-old man is being held at Nyeri police station after he was allegedly caught sexually assaulting a goat at Ngagirithi village.
The man is said to have tethered the animal to a tree at night and committed the unnatural act.
The goat belonged to his grandmother. “I was asleep when I heard a commotion as someone struggled to remove the goat from the house,” she said.
When she woke up, she found her grandson clad in only a shirt. When she asked him what was happening, he said he had come to check on the goat after he heard the commotion.
Wangui said she didn’t know her  grandson was planning  to do the unspeakable.
She, however,  revealed that he has been behaving badly since he ran away from Kitale two years ago.
“He tried to strangle his father before he came to live with me. I believe he has been smoking bhang,’’ she said.
The suspect was caught in the act by a neighbour, who was awoken by the goat’s cries.
The suspect fled after he was accosted but was captured a short distance away by a mob after the neighbour raised alarm.

Jilted boyfriends are uploading the nude videos of their former girlfriends

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the dead and the living fight

the dead and the living fight

Pastor asks Uhuru Kenyatta to attend ICC trial

A Seventh Day Adventist pastor on Monday urged President Uhuru Kenyatta to honour his appointment with The Hague based International Criminal Court to avoid getting Kenya into social economic problems.
“Irrespective of the African Union summit resolution that the President ignores The Hague’s trials until his term in office ends, I urge him to honour his date with the International Criminal Court to avoid international economic partners from severing their relations with our country,” Pastor Nichodemus Kebaso said.
Speaking in Nyamira Town, the pastor said the President and his deputy William Ruto had promised Kenyans before they ascended to power that they will cooperate with ICC on the cases they faced and Kenyans were watching to see whether they will keep their word.
He praised Mr Ruto for ignoring those agitating that they stop attending the ICC trials.
Pastor Kebaso said neither Kenya nor communities that the two top Kenyan leaders come from that were in trial at The Hague and wondered why there was hue and cry all over.
“In fact the two leaders are facing the cases as individuals irrespective of the offices they currently hold. I believe that they have been using personal resources in attending The Hague sermons,” he said.
At the same time Pastor Kebaso scoffed at the decision taken by Parliament to pull out of the Rome Statute saying Kenya has been unable to prosecute those behind 2007-2008 post-election violence.
He said the ICC was the only option where victims of political instigated crimes can get justice since the government did shoddy investigations leading to the arrest and prosecution of a few suspects by local courts.
“Those who suffered during the 20007- 2008 post-election violence want justice. This justice can only be realised if those implicated in the atrocities and destruction of properties stand before court,’ Pastor Kebaso added.

The Sierra Leonean girl who met Gaddafi 'in hell'

Sierra Leone's over 50 years of religious harmony is under threat thanks to the bizarre revelations of a young woman.
Sister Linda Ngaoja's ‘heavenly journey’ a few weeks ago has turned her into the equivalent of a movie star, but at the risk of destabilising a country renowned for its religious tolerance.
The 28-year-old (some say 26) college student claims to have "died" and gone to hell before being taken to heaven.
While in hell, former Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi told her he wanted the mosque he built in Sierra Leone destroyed and replaced with a church.
She also has a message from the late president of neighbouring Guinea, Lansana Conte, who wants all the mosques in his country brought down and replaced with churches.
Sister Linda "died" after a brief illness. She said because of her worldly crimes in her previous life, she suffered a harrowing experience in hell, where she met her parents and a host of other renowned people including a renowned Sierra Leonean lawmaker, and the late US star Whitney Houston, “who are all suffering in Hell.”
All of these people had messages for their relatives and friends who are alive.
Sister Linda said if a “rapture” had occurred at that moment only five people in Sierra Leone could have survived it (meaning going to heaven), and these included three of her pastors and two other people.
While her audio tape comes across as a rich blessing for cassette sellers, religious leaders are left with the unenviable task of cleaning the mess Linda`s revelations left in their wake.
Breeding confusion
“We take and consider this our responsibility to judge every such revelation by the standard of the written words of God,” said Bishop Archibald Cole, president of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Sierra Leone (PFSL).
He told a press conference on Tuesday that since the young girl was purportedly speaking from a Pentecostal platform, Catholics might think her revelations were the views shared by all Pentecostals “and so we consider her statements.....will create confusion and breed division among the Christian community in Sierra Leone.”
According to Linda's revelations, all Catholics and Muslims are going to hell.
She also had a message for President Ernest Bai Koroma (a Christian), to replace all mosques in Sierra Leone, which is a Muslim-dominated country, with churches.
“We consider such statements to be inflammatory among the Christian and Muslim communities,” said Bishop Cole.
“The revelation has the capacity to undermine the peace and security of this nation. We want to maintain the peace and security that God has given us, as Christ is an author of peace and not confusion.”
But already Linda's "revelations" are causing confusion as there are reports of bitter arguments over them.
Two people stabbed each other over an argument as to whether the revelations were true or not, reported the Awareness Times of Freetown, a daily.
But it is not just Muslims and Catholics who have reasons to be offended.
Linda is critical of the "born again" pastors in Sierra Leone who she said are more into money than spreading the message of God.
Her story broke on a popular religious radio called Believers Broadcasting Network (BBN), with the aid of her pastor.
Custodians of Truth
A member of the Faith Healing Bible Church, one of three churches that were endorsed in the revelations, told Africa Review that there is concern about her security because of her testimonies.
The Church has cancelled a special open prayer at the national stadium on this ground. The intention was to pray for Sierra Leone in light of the revelations.
They will be holding instead a 7-day fasting and indoor prayer session. This, according to sources, is backed by President Ernest Bai Koroma, who is said to have met with the young woman to receive his message.
A majority of pastors in the country see Linda as “of the devil” and they say she needs deliverance.
A few others express fear that her testimonies could spark forth a new sect, with reports of calls for a ban on the circulation of her tapes.
“The real reason is that Sister Linda had threatened to go over the radio and expose some of these pastors who refuse to change in line with the message she brought,” said Bernard Wilson, a member of the Faith Healing Bible Church, obviously a staunch supporter.
“It could be why the pastors are against her,” Mr Wilson said.
But others read into the whole thing infighting among Sierra Leone's small but powerful Nigerian-inspired ‘born again’ churches.
“We as Ministers of the gospel are called to be watchmen and to be custodians of truth, and to be sure that the integrity and accuracy of the gospel is maintained… we are charged to address this issue that has the potential to bring distraction and obstruct the peace of the nation,” said Apostle Akintayo Sam Jolly, Secretary of PFSL.

My daughter was a virgin', says Mugabe's wife

Zimbabwe's First Lady Grace Mugabe Saturday shocked many when she told a church meeting that her 24-year-old daughter was a virgin and had never been raped as claimed in media reports.
She termed as "mischievous" the coverage a few years ago claiming that Bona Mugabe was raped while studying in Hong Kong.
The First Family’s only daughter had a traditional marriage with a local pilot in August.
“That is (rape allegations) utter rubbish, it never happened and to those detractors shame on you for dragging an innocent girl into all this,” Mrs Mugabe said.
“It is not fair that politics should go this far, my daughter is obedient.”
The First Lady said she had sat down her son-in-law, emphasising to him the need to remain a virgin until marriage.
“I summoned Sam [Chikore, Bona's husband] ) and told him in person that it was my wish as Bona’s mother that she remains a virgin until her wedding day,” Mrs Mugabe said.
She said she had also strongly advised Bona to remain a virgin in honour of her future husband.
“I was not shy to tell her that she was not supposed to allow any man to touch her body in an inappropriate way,” Mrs Mugabe said. “I am happy she complied.”
She also took a swipe at people who watch the 'Big Brother Africa' reality television show saying it had corrupted people’s morals.
“Why do people watch such nonsense, how does it benefit us as a nation?” Mrs Mugabe asked.
Wrinkles and divorces
Ironically, her own husband President Robert Mugabe, in 2011, presented Zimbabwean Munyaradzi Chidzonga with $300,000 after he came second in the competition.
The veteran ruler also feted 2012 Big Brother co-winner Wendall Parson and another Zimbabwe representative Vimbia Mutinhiri at State House.
President Mugabe has spoken glowingly about his daughter and openly gave advice to his son-in-law when the affair became pubic in August.
“It must be a person of her own choice. My hope would be first, qualities of a good husband will live with her, because he loves her through thick and thin and not just look at her now as she still is that flower, attractive, blooming,” he said in an interview with SABC early this year.
“She will have kids and quite a lot of what is now the real charm will disappear and the face will start having wrinkles.
“So he should not pity her at that time against up-and-coming younger ones, which is what most people do and as a result we get lots of divorces.”
Bona graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) degree in Accountacy at a Hong Kong university in 2011.
Her father had visited her there several times.

Museveni sends Generals out of meeting with soldiers

President Museveni has met thousands of soldiers who recently returned from Somalia where they have been serving under the African Union peacekeeping mission (Amisom).
The meeting held last Thursday in Singo, Nakaseke District, however, began on a dramatic note when the soldiers told the President that they could not speak freely in the presence of their commanders for fear of retribution.
Sources that attended the meeting but sought for anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter told the Daily Monitor yesterday that the President then immediately ordered the commanders present to leave. Among those asked to leave were Maj Gen David Muhoozi, the commander of Land Forces, Brig Charles Otema, the chief of logistics, Brig Diiba Sentongo who heads the General Court Martial, Brig Leopold Kyanda, the chief of staff Land Forces, Brig Charles Bakahumura who heads military intelligence and Col Felix Kulayigye, the UPDF chief political commissar.
The President, however, asked the Chief of Defence Forces, Gen Katumba Wamala, to stay behind and listen to the soldiers. Our sources say once the commanders were out, the soldiers opened up, telling the President about mistreatment by their commanders. Among the resounding accusations, the Daily Monitor has learnt, were that soldiers had been underfed as top commanders sold their food while fuel meant for operations against Somali insurgents was also sold off.
Mismanagement allegations
President Museveni last month ordered the recall and investigation of over 20 soldiers, accused of mismanaging the mission’s logistics. Among those recalled was Brig Michael Ondonga, who was heading the unit of Ugandan soldiers in Mogadishu.
The soldiers, according to the sources, scrambled for the microphone as they told the President of how they had eaten rotten food while several times they had to go on patrol missions on empty stomachs. Others said their colleagues injured at the frontline would not be transported to hospital in time because of scarcity of fuel reportedly sold by their commanders to private companies in Mogadishu.
A furious Mr Museveni, according to sources, promised to punish whoever was involved in the scam, which he said threatened to tarnish the image of UPDF, a force credited for helping restore sanity to war-torn Mogadishu. He also asked the soldiers to write down all the complaints, promising to meet then again in the near future for a detailed discussion.
After meeting the soldiers, President Museveni then called an Army High Command meeting at State House, Entebbe before he flew out to Addis Ababa for the African Union summit. Details of the meeting were still scanty by press time.
The Thursday meeting was the first time in many years that the President, who is also Commander-in-Chief, sat down with ordinary soldiers and listened to their complaints face-to-face. UPDF spokesperson Lt Col Paddy Ankunda confirmed the meeting took place but said he was ignorant of its details because he was not present. “I can confirm there was a meeting but I do not know what was discussed because I did not attend. That (controversy over food selling) is not a new story but we are investigating and we will not leave any stone unturned,” he told the Daily Monitor.
During the Independence Day celebrations last Wednesday in Rukungiri, Mr Museveni said the major weakness of the previous government of Milton Obote was failure to control the military. The President’s Thursday meeting also came on the heels of reports that several soldiers upon return from Somalia were deserting the UPDF.
The UPDF in its earlier years had an open-air debate culture where soldiers would meet weekly (barazas) and their voice concerns. The practice is no more


NHIF is at it again, this time with the 22 billion Karen Hospital scandal and the Meridian Saga at the Anti-corruption court. The current CEO accused that he has no previous experience or academic qualifications is now working vigorously to retain his job. The new Cabinet Secretary having promised a cleanup at NHIF is having an uphill task to prove he can indeed run a public office.

According to sources, officers at NHIF have since been cleverly sharing the 4.3 billion Civil Servant Scheme between themselves and medical providers who came in to replace Clinix and Meridian. Now with an angered Meridian filing a strong suite in court, likely to cost NHIF senior managers their jobs, heinous but tactical strategies are put to place by NHIF's CEO and legal advisor.

The 4.3 Billion CivIl Servant Scandal Fully Exposed in detail

The 4.3 billion Civil Servant Scheme was a move by the Ministry of Public Service, which initially decided to approach insurance firms to offer comprehensive health services to civil servants as opposed to the previous system where medical compensation was included into civil servants salaries. The scheme would give civil servants more comprehensive services including provision for family members.

Insurance firms bid for the scheme, with most bids ranging from 7 billion shillings to 12 billion shillings. These bids were not responsive because the Ministry of Public Service had only 4.3 billion to spare. Left with no choice, the Ministry approached NHIF which had 150,000 civil servants covered under their scheme B and C. In total the civil servants are 220,000 and together with their families they came to approximately 900,000.

NHIF had just carried out a pilot study on a new system called capitation, where medical service providers would be paid beforehand to offer services to a given number of people. This system meant NHIF would minimize all their risk, which instead would be bared by the medical service providers.

Seeing the opportunity to launch the capitation system, NHIF decided to offer medical service providers a payment of Sh2,850/= per person per year for unlimited outpatient services to the Civil Service Scheme, including specialists, radiological examinations, laboratory tests, drugs, treatment of chronic conditions, and even family planning.

Many clinics and hospitals refused the figure of Sh2,850 claiming it was too low for comprehensive services. Over 300 public medical service providers were included and a few private providers that included Clinix, Meridian and Thika Nursing. The three had participated in the pilot project. These clinics took the opportunity to enlist having already tested the system and seeing that even at Sh 2,850 per person, the scheme could still be feasible, while other medical service providers were uncommitted seeing it as too risky and unprofitable.

The award of the scheme by the Ministry of Public Services to NHIF angered many. The insurance firms were furious having lost their bids of up to 12 billion to the NHIF capitation scheme. Also angered were the other medical service providers who had initially refused to enlist into the project, only for it to turn out as a huge success.

A vendetta against NHIF was now being put to action as the different groups (insurance firms and disgruntled medical service) tried to punch holes into the successful scheme. The targets were the two main private medical service providers in the scheme, Meridian and Clinix.

Given the slow licensing procedure of clinics and hospitals by the Kenya Medical, Practitioners and Dentist Board, it was obvious that some of the many operating clinics registered by Meridian and Clinix were still awaiting their licenses to be released. The groups against the scheme used this inefficiency to create the Ghost Clinic Scandal. 

The negative publicity that hit NHIF from then brought in many cartels eyeing the 4.3 billion shillings scheme. This resulted in a split of the Management and Board at NHIF. The Board on one hand trying to replace the CEO and the Management on the other fighting succession battles and control of the 4.3 billion shillings scheme. With everyone trying to get a piece of the pie, a struggle emerged at NHIF. The CEO was sacked as the two service providers Meridian and Clinix
lost more than they had bargained for, as their contracts were terminated, . The 4.3 billion shilling scheme however still remained at NHIF.

The cartels of medical service providers and split management at NHIF picked their own medical service providers to replace Clinix and Meridian. This was difficult because the two had a large network and over 200 new medical service providers had now to be enlisted. This included non-existent facilities that are currently being used to siphon out part of the 4.3 billion. In Nairobi Acacia Medical Centre, Afya Royal and Nairobi Outpatient were used in the replacement process. Agha Khan and Karen Hospital came in but on a fee for service scheme that proved to be very expensive.

A parliamentary committee was assigned to investigate into the purported ‘ghost clinic’ scandal. Their report indicated
no wrong doings but recommended more investigations into the late registration of clinics by the Director of Medical Services.

The Efficiency Monitoring Unit conducted a thorough investigation giving Meridian and Clinix a clean bill of health however indicating a level of incompetence in the Legal Services and the Benefits Departments at NHIF.

The Kenya National Audit also carried out their investigations and warned NHIF of serious losses if they refused to pay the two clinics. The same was noted by the Attorney General, who noted that the fund would suffer dire consequences from the cancellation of the contracts of Meridian and Clinix.

In September 2013 Meridian filed a suit claiming in excess of 800 million shillings from NHIF. This created panic at the fund, which quickly sought legal advice on possible ways to deal with the case.

 According to sources from the current NHIF Management, the Legal Officer and Managing Director approached the EACC to coerce them to create a criminal case against Meridian, as that was the only way to hinder the civil suit of 800 million shillings, and protect their jobs. They actively forced employees to sign witness documents to sacrifice some of the junior officers and incriminate the former CEO for abuse of office. A lot of money was spent at EACC and also in the media.

The level of corruption in the Kenya Public Sector is so high that it will take decades to completly eliminate. The Cabinet Secretary of the Ministry of Health promised to overhaul the whole of NHIF but has found himself caught up in the mix of scandals. Unless he makes radical decisions he will also be implicated in the ongoing scandals such as the current utilization of the 4.3 billion Civil Servants Scheme, which is currently being dished out to some nonexistent providers. The 22 billion Karen hospital scandal might also end up eating more of the tax payers money. It is more than clear that NHIF requires major reforms and unless the public takes a stand, gorvernment officials will continue to abuse office and misuse the media to feed the nation lies and bullsh**.

The seized paranephilia seized belongs to embattled former Bungoma senator Moses Wetangula. Credible sources reveal that Wetangula was said to have ordered for the strange goods early last month. His motives remain unknown but some quarters reveal that a Mombasa based witch-doctor had ordered him to buy the goods so as to save his dwindling political career..Keep it here for more - container-skeleton-human-bones-belongs-moses-wetangula

The seized paranephilia seized  belongs to embattled former Bungoma senator Moses Wetangula. Credible sources reveal that Wetangula was said to have ordered for the strange goods early last month. His motives remain unknown but some quarters reveal  that a Mombasa based witch-doctor had ordered him to buy the goods so as to save his dwindling political career..Keep it here for more. - See more at:
The seized paranephilia seized  belongs to embattled former Bungoma senator Moses Wetangula. Credible sources reveal that Wetangula was said to have ordered for the strange goods early last month. His motives remain unknown but some quarters reveal  that a Mombasa based witch-doctor had ordered him to buy the goods so as to save his dwindling political career..Keep it here for more. - See more at:
The seized paranephilia seized  belongs to embattled former Bungoma senator Moses Wetangula. Credible sources reveal that Wetangula was said to have ordered for the strange goods early last month. His motives remain unknown but some quarters reveal  that a Mombasa based witch-doctor had ordered him to buy the goods so as to save his dwindling political career..Keep it here for more. - See more at:

He did what I never imagined my father would, girl recalls

On Friday, UNICEF led the world in marking the second International Day of the Girl Child, highlighting the power of innovation to get more girls in school and improve the quality of learning for all children.
But as the world came together to honour girls, and indeed all children, defilement of minors is becoming a big problem in Kenya. From central Kenya to the Rift Valley, an increasing number of girls are being defiled by their fathers, teachers and relatives.
Kenyans must unite to defend these girls and give them an opportunity to pursue and realise their full potential in life.
Cases of fathers defiling their daughters are on the rise. In Nyeri, two girls – aged nine and 14 – were defiled by their 55-year-old HIV positive father. His stated intention was to infect them with the virus.
Monstrous father
The two girls are at a loss and unable to comprehend how the man who is supposed to protect them suddenly turned against them in such a beastly manner.
Then man defiled his daughters in the presence of his bedridden HIV-positive wife, who had no strength to rescue her helpless children. And although the man was recently convicted and jailed for 50 years, the children are traumatised and living in fear. They painfully recall the days when their father repeatedly defiled them, telling them he wanted them to die of HIV like their mother who was helplessly squirming on her deathbed as he did the unthinkable.
“I arrived home from school and found dad in the sitting room. Mum was sleeping in the bedroom,” starts the nine-year-old class four pupil.
“I did not expect that my own father would do what he did to me. He stripped me and dragged me to the sofa and forced me to do tabia mbaya with him,” she says, tears tickling down her cheeks.
“He wanted to infect me with HIV. That is what he told me, yet there was nothing wrong I had done, neither do I have anything to do with him contracting the disease.”
The father did not stop there; he defiled her yet again when her mother was admitted to hospital, before turning to his elder daughter aged 14.
She, too, is struggling to forget the ordeal she suffered in the hands of the man she says she is embarrassed to call father.
“I did not know he had also defiled my sister, because he threatened to kill us if we ever disclosed to anyone what he had done,” recounts the Class Eight pupil.
“My mum was bedridden at the Nyeri Provincial General Hospital, and I was all alone with him at home. He followed me to the kitchen and defiled me,” the older daughter said.
“He told me he wanted to infect me with the virus so that I would die just like his two former wives and my mum who was on her death bed,” she adds.
So traumatised were the girls that they never told anybody what they went through even after moving to their grandmother’s place following their mother’s death.
Their mother took the secret to her grave. The man all along prevented the in-laws from visiting her in hospital and even attempted to rape a sister-in-law who had come to visit her while she was bedridden at home.
Ironically, it is the same man who broke the news that he had defiled his children, through a text message he sent to the children’s grandmother.
Sigh of relief
In the message written in poor Kiswahili, the man told the granny to visit a VCT centre and purchase anti-retroviral drugs for the children since he had defiled them. Even after their father had confessed to having defiled them, it was not easy to get the traumatised children to open up.

“They remained mum when I asked them about it. In fact, I had to threaten them with a thorough beating,” says their granny. They were taken to a VCT centre and counselled before undergoing an HIV test.
The family heaved a sigh of relief when the tests returned negative resultsPolice Constable Brenda Okwach, who handled the case, narrated to The Standard On Sunday how angry she was as she investigated and eventually prosecuted the case in court. “It dawned on me then that I was not only an investigating officer but also a mother who should redeem the lives of those innocent children. I steadily counselled them and vowed to serve them nothing but justice,” recounts Ms Okwach.
The younger girl aspires to be a lawyer and eventually a judge so that she can serve justice to girls who have gone through what she and her sister went through 

Her sister, who will be sitting her Kenya Certificate of Primary Education examinations this year, and who topped her class in the last end of term tests, wants to be a doctor and a children’s rights crusader so that she can help young girls to speak out on sexual offences.
In an interview with The Standard On Sunday, Nyeri County director of children services George Kibuku, said the rising cases of defilement of children, some as young as five years old, was worrying.
“The community needs to be sensitised that violence against children is violence against the entire society,” Mr Kibuku said.
According to him, the 2012/2013 annual report shows Nyeri County reported 98 cases of children defilement, higher than the 69 cases reported in 2011 in the entire central Kenya region.

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