
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Baraza LaJamii Ya Kenya

The govt was warned long time ago of intended terrorist attacks on shopping malls in Kenya and the western intelligence even specified westgate as one of the targets, what did it do to prevent this from happening? that is one of the answers we need. The second answer we need is why is it that after the government putting so much money in the armed forces,the cops who responded to the westgate attack just came with pistols, no bullet proof jackets, no radio communication gadgets on them, no helmets, just do you fight terrorists this way?...the only thing they could do was to play hide and seek around the building and not do is unfortunate that in Kenya we still use the heavy G3 rifles which means that in close combat like this you cannot win!...can the govt therefore tell us where all the ammunition and protection gear bought for the armed forces went? This govt has brought a lot of bad luck to this country and I fear more worse things might befall us as a Nation with them still clinging to their stolen power.

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