
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Why is Education the Key to Success Have you ever given thought to the question, why is education the key to success in life? In this article, I have elucidated the benefits of having a decent education and what role it plays in molding a man of character, who is better equipped to succeed in life and who has the ability to comprehend what true success means.

Everyone of us is a bundle of unique gifts and talents. Our relative success in life depends on how much we believe in ourselves, trust our own private genius, nurture it and let it grow freely. What education does is that it provides us with the opportunity to unravel and realize our inborn talents, while providing us with the skills of thinking and solving problems on our own. Both education and success are relative concepts in the sense that there is a wide difference of opinion regarding what is real education and what is real success.

What is Real Education?

Real education is the one which enables you to think for yourself and apply what you have learned. Purely knowing facts and being able to effectively remember and recall them isn't being educated. To be educated is being able to make your own decisions and form your own opinions about things. It is the imparting of skills that enable you to succeed in any field of human endeavor and make your original contribution. What good education requires is a one-to-one interaction between a good teacher and student.

There are two factors of education which must mold two different aspects of the human psyche - one is analytical intelligence and the other is emotional intelligence. The former deals with the ability to solve technical problems while the latter deals with the ability to empathize, communicate, connect with our fellow human beings. A wholesome education system must educate both these facets of the human psyche to mold a character with all the abilities required to live a happy and successful life.

Why is Education the Key to Success

Man is what his thoughts make him. Education provides direction to these thoughts. Success is more than just accumulation of material wealth. I believe that success is not a destination but a never ending journey in self exploration. It is unlocking your true potential to make your life itself a work of art. Success has more than one dimensions to it. Acquiring material wealth is not the only one. To what degree have you conquered your self and achieved liberation from wanting and needing things is another indicator of success. Education plays a large role in determining our potential for achieving this success. Here are some of the prime arguments supporting the idea of education as the veritable key to success. READ MORE.....................


 Leadership is responsible for everything the organization does or fails to do. Leadership is more than a wooden figurehead. A leader is not a position, job title, or in this case, the captain of the ship. Leadership is not about power, ego or pride. Leadership is ever-present, touching, motivating, talking, checking and removing barriers, training, preparing, breathing and moving about. This reminds me of young leaders who are showing interest in leadership (KAJULU) they have different names from A-Z   and i must say this are they serious leaders ask my friend (ojuka jakede) from kajulu?? people like (otieno lare) but they are worried of the trend of leadership which seems to inherit the same old leadership skills of failures in recent past we read about many names like ORICHO,s ) but my worries is are they playing a game on behalf of someones pocket? this young leaders to me seems to enjoy the failure in kajulu as if i may quote (Jacob oricho) he is always a defender of kisumu failed Governor Ranguma who has brought tears in the face of kajulu since he was elected .I expected to hear young leadership of kajulu criticizes the bad leadership and putting the current leaders on there knee's to delivered to the people? this is not the case in kajulu ,the young leaders only join hand with failures it's a pity can we have these leaders who will push for the peoples views today yes we can. ? READ MORE.................................................

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