
Sunday, March 30, 2014


Hello jokajulu it's with a great concern that one of our own has torn to be hyena  Leonard oricho goes around colluding with some current leaders To take  what belongs to you as a voter. May  I let you know that he is offering himself for a position of leadership of which is just a HOX to pretend he can give any good leadership but not.he is being used by few persons. I will let kajulu knows who he is   soon as we approach to expose him , he says he has money and can buy any vote in kajulu with his money ? what does this mean ? he a leader or a broker ? This person is an agent of poverty and must be avoided by all means , we are also asking to understand whether he is from kajulu or ???????????????/ because his actions are in question since jokajulu does not behave like he is , if you want to believe post anything about the failed leaders like shakeel and opepo  he has join the people who has failed education in kajulu for many years we are hoping to start a online disgrace to expose there evil act soon READ MORE SOON

People First In Leadership kajulu you must read this

Leaders are nothing without people. Put another way, people will make or break you as a leader. You’ll either treat them well, earn their trust, respect and loyalty, or you won’t. You’ll either see people as capital to be leveraged or humans to be developed and fulfilled. You’ll either view yourself as superior to your employees, or as one whose job it is to serve them, learn from them, and leave them be better off for being led by you.
The best leaders don’t put people in a box – they free them from boxes. Ultimately, a leaders job isn’t to create followers, but to strive for ubiquitous leadership. Average leaders spend time scaling processes, systems, and models – great leaders focus on scaling leadership.

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