Dear George,
I am writing in response above.The reason why i paid you money(large
sum) is per the agreement i made with you in which you told me the
work would begin immediately and also to which you requested the money
to mobilize materials.If there was anything, you would have taken time
first and would have not promised what you can not deliver.
transaction was done that work will be done and there must always be
time frame for each activity.I can see you want to inform me that
subcontracting somebody was not in the term of contract and i would
wish to inform you that it cannot work as at now and that is why i
gave you(KAJULU) the job.I don't think you can subcontract for us if
indeed we have the full capacity to do it on our own.Unless otherwise
I would wish also to indicate that the breakage of the machine is non
of our business as that remains your responsibility.If you cannot move
to site, then the next thing is to refund back( Ksh 500,000) which had
been paid.Or else otherwise. We are not happy when you cant execute
your work and which prompts me to begin the legal process.And as you
may know,you will have to pay the interests earned by our money in
that case.
I can see you have indicated that you will start drilling by 8th or
9th and already i have informed my lawyer to summon you over the
contract breach, i will hold the letter with me till the end of the
day if you can confirm to me how much money you received from me for
the project and that you will begin the work on 8TH as you have
indicated. So the next thing i want to hear is only the two
terms.Kindly confirm that before the end of the day if it is the case.
I have not used any language in breach of our work, but if you feel so
then you can verify. And you will realize i use the language in terms
of our contract which i can defend!
Best and kind regards
On 2/5/14, George Oricho <> wrote:
> Dear Essau,
> I refer to our long telephone
> conversation regarding drilling works to be undertaken at Nyandema Secondary
> School.
> 1. It
> is becoming obvious that we are not communicating well telephonically as we
> keep going round in circles and miss important facts in the process.
> 2. I
> did tell you that we had major mechanical challenges at Siaya site, even
> invited you to come to see for yourself (which you did on Saturday 1st
> February 2014 which we appreciate) and confirmed that we in-did had a
> breakdown
> and were doing everything we needed to do about it.
> 3. I told you this morning - 5th
> February that the Technicians / Mechanics had missed a simple procedure
> normally
> done when overhauling the engine-i.e. ascertain the flatness or otherwise of
> the cylinder head. This is what has been causing the overheating and hence
> our
> inability to finish the Siaya site on time. I told you that- now that the
> problem
> is known, we would finally resolve the mechanical challenge and resume
> drilling
> at Siaya site and complete it in time to move to Nyandema by weekend of
> 8th-9th
> February 2014.
> 4. At
> that meeting on site, you indicated that your donors would be visiting the
> project on Tuesday and that I needed to make sure that materials were on
> site
> by Tuesday. I made arrangements and subsequently informed you that gravel
> pack
> was loaded from Mawego on Monday 3rd February 2014 and delivered on Tuesday
> 4th February 2014. You subsequently sent me an agitating sms saying "there
> is no material on site, so that is clear indication u r lying." If you had
> bothered to verify your facts -
> even sent you the number of the school watchman - 0710680754 - to confirm
> with -
I am writing in response above.The reason why i paid you money(large
sum) is per the agreement i made with you in which you told me the
work would begin immediately and also to which you requested the money
to mobilize materials.If there was anything, you would have taken time
first and would have not promised what you can not deliver.
transaction was done that work will be done and there must always be
time frame for each activity.I can see you want to inform me that
subcontracting somebody was not in the term of contract and i would
wish to inform you that it cannot work as at now and that is why i
gave you(KAJULU) the job.I don't think you can subcontract for us if
indeed we have the full capacity to do it on our own.Unless otherwise
I would wish also to indicate that the breakage of the machine is non
of our business as that remains your responsibility.If you cannot move
to site, then the next thing is to refund back( Ksh 500,000) which had
been paid.Or else otherwise. We are not happy when you cant execute
your work and which prompts me to begin the legal process.And as you
may know,you will have to pay the interests earned by our money in
that case.
I can see you have indicated that you will start drilling by 8th or
9th and already i have informed my lawyer to summon you over the
contract breach, i will hold the letter with me till the end of the
day if you can confirm to me how much money you received from me for
the project and that you will begin the work on 8TH as you have
indicated. So the next thing i want to hear is only the two
terms.Kindly confirm that before the end of the day if it is the case.
I have not used any language in breach of our work, but if you feel so
then you can verify. And you will realize i use the language in terms
of our contract which i can defend!
Best and kind regards
On 2/5/14, George Oricho <> wrote:
> Dear Essau,
> I refer to our long telephone
> conversation regarding drilling works to be undertaken at Nyandema Secondary
> School.
> 1. It
> is becoming obvious that we are not communicating well telephonically as we
> keep going round in circles and miss important facts in the process.
> 2. I
> did tell you that we had major mechanical challenges at Siaya site, even
> invited you to come to see for yourself (which you did on Saturday 1st
> February 2014 which we appreciate) and confirmed that we in-did had a
> breakdown
> and were doing everything we needed to do about it.
> 3. I told you this morning - 5th
> February that the Technicians / Mechanics had missed a simple procedure
> normally
> done when overhauling the engine-i.e. ascertain the flatness or otherwise of
> the cylinder head. This is what has been causing the overheating and hence
> our
> inability to finish the Siaya site on time. I told you that- now that the
> problem
> is known, we would finally resolve the mechanical challenge and resume
> drilling
> at Siaya site and complete it in time to move to Nyandema by weekend of
> 8th-9th
> February 2014.
> 4. At
> that meeting on site, you indicated that your donors would be visiting the
> project on Tuesday and that I needed to make sure that materials were on
> site
> by Tuesday. I made arrangements and subsequently informed you that gravel
> pack
> was loaded from Mawego on Monday 3rd February 2014 and delivered on Tuesday
> 4th February 2014. You subsequently sent me an agitating sms saying "there
> is no material on site, so that is clear indication u r lying." If you had
> bothered to verify your facts -
> even sent you the number of the school watchman - 0710680754 - to confirm
> with -
Hi Essau,
Find attached our
company profile. Section 2.4 details our bank account but is inserted hereunder
for ease of reference. The payment terms are 60% on sign off, 30% on completion
of drilling and 10% on completion of test pumping. Since, we are off to a long
holiday, expedite and effect the transfer with the envisaged delays.
Details Our Banking Details:
Kisumu, Kenya
No. 0290294084857
Name of
Account: Kajulu Drilling Contractors Ltd
Branch Code 680291