FROM threat of withdrawal to a kick of a dying horse called ultimatum
By Gordon Teti
Did we not say that the threat of withdrawal from ICC was a mere grandstanding and useless intimidation to ICC by frogs and lame donkeys who are known as butchers and murderers of their own citizens for political power.
African dictators led by Kaguta Museveni of Uganda and Robert Mugabe of
Zimbabwe met on Saturday, October 12, 2013 at the African Union (AU)
headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and instead of withdrawing en-mass
as they had threatened before the meeting, the cowards backed-off
abandoning and throwing Uhuru Kenyatta under the bus like they did
before to the late Muamar Gadhafi of LibyaBy Gordon Teti
Did we not say that the threat of withdrawal from ICC was a mere grandstanding and useless intimidation to ICC by frogs and lame donkeys who are known as butchers and murderers of their own citizens for political power.
cheating and beating the drums of war to Uhuru Kenyatta that he should
defy the ICC, the dictators have now abandoned Uhuru at the last minute
by asking him to carry his own cross. Uhuru was asked to write a letter
to the UN Security Council seeking deferral as provided for in Article
15 of the Rome Statute.
inside the closed-door deliberations of the Council of Ministers
disclosed that Kenya had placed two requests for consideration – that
the ICC cases be deferred and that the ICC be substantially reformed.
Members agreed on the first request but were apprehensive on the latter
noting that ICC was an independent institution and besides Africa lacked
the necessary numbers to push for such changes.
was resolved, among other agreements, that a five-member committee of
the executive council, including one Kenyan, be formed to deliver the AU
resolution and ultimatum to the UN next month. And to ensure this, the
AU has given the United Nations Security Council an ultimatum of up to
November 12 – the same day Uhuru trial is scheduled to begin – to defer
the Kenyatta case
by November 30 the African leaders would not have received any
communication from the UN, the AU will reconvene yet again to deliberate
on the way forward. It is presumed that the plan of action may involve
mass withdrawal by African nations from the Rome Statute.
decision, arrived at by the African Heads of State during a special
session in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, is also meant to benefit
Sudan President Omar Al-Bashir who is an earlier ICC indictee. And as if
to make sure other similar Kenyatta and Al-Bashir cases do not come up,
it was also resolved that any African country wishing to refer any
cases to ICC must first refer to the AU for guidance and possible
to those with heads in the sand who think that Uhuru secured a
breather, the fate of his Deputy William Ruto was swept under the
carpet, as AU’s proposed privileges are did not cover deputy or vice
presidents. Once again, the African dictators pledged to embark on their
own mechanism of trying their own cases of crimes against humanity,
mass murder and rape by strengthen the African Court of Justice and
Human Rights as the first step.
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