
Friday, October 11, 2013

Séx Is New Medicine For Migraines.

Next time your head starts pounding, try a romp with your partner instead of reaching for the pill bottle, a new study suggests.
A new German study finds that séx can cure a pounding headache as well as medication.
Pounding headache? Séx could cure what ails you just as well as medication, a new study from the University of Munster finds.
Researchers recruited 800 migraine sufferers and 200 cluster headache sufferers. While findings are preliminary, results showed that more than half of the migraine sufferers said their pain subsided after a bout of passion with their partners. Their research was reported in Cephalalgia, the journal of the International Headache Society.
The researchers suggested that séx triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, which can reduce, or even eliminate, a headache. While headaches have long been used as an excuse for not having séx, the researchers reported that the male subjects in particular used séx as a "therapeutic tool."
"Our results show that séxual activity during a migraine attack might relieve or even stop an attack in some cases, and that séxual activity in the presence of headache is not an unusual behavior," the researchers wrote.
"Séx can abort migraine and cluster headache attacks, and sexual activity is used by some patients as acute headache treatment."

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