
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Westgate siege: who is telling the truth?????????????????????????

My plain reading of article 2 (4) of the constitution tells me that any law that is inconsistent or in contravention of this constitution is invalid.
The terrorism act which was recently signed into law with its provision for detaining arrested persons beyond the 24 hrs before arraingment in court is in my humble opinion clearly in contravention of article 49(1) (f) of the constitution.

This is strictly a legal question & is about fidelity to the law & has nothing to do with empathising with terror suspects. Any terrorist, in my view, should just rot in hell. The govt had repeatedly stated that it's holding & interrogating 11 but yesterday stepped the number down to 8 terror suspects beyond the 24 hrs the law provides for before taking them to court. Rights of an arrested person, irrespective of reasons of arrest, are sacrosaunt, basic & fundamental, remember

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