
Friday, September 20, 2013


We are fighting together as Kenyan my worries is that leaders have now turn there greedy thoughts to fight Innocent Kenyans by making life miserable for poor Kenyans  what kind of digital leaders are this when i hard of digital i thought it will make work easy later did i realize that it will only robe Kenyans in the broad day light  let's talk of VAT what kind of leader will allow his people to go angry in the name of vat just because they are digital . telling Kenyans to go digital without signal it's a waste of time signal is only for few whose wealth are in question by Kenyans there is no differences between being a Kenyan and to be called a refugee in our own Kenya most of us live from hand to mouth not because we don't know how to make money it's because the few are in control of the money flow let's take an example of the banks in Kenya who own  banks who are there bosses and how do they lent to who? Kenya is for few let's join the fight together say no to rotten leaders by exposing them in all manners you can but rem to follow the lay down procedures so you may not fall in the hands of the so called protectors of impunity follow the law and let's stand tall to change Kenya

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